Biotin (vitamin H) is widespread in bacteria, fungi, plants and animal tissues.
The major part of biotin in food is covalently bound to protein with only a small part being freely available. During digestion, biocytin is released from the proteins and can, similarly to biotin, easily be taken up from the intestine. Biotin is then released by the enzyme biocytinase from biocytin in plasma and erythrocytes and is available as prosthetic group for several biotin-dependent enzymes. The daily biotin requirement is difficult to estimate because a healthy intestinal flora endogenously synthetises biotin and thereby helps to satisfy this need. Symptoms of biotin deficiency are caused by e.g. damage to the intestinal flora or
extreme diets (e.g. frequent consumption of raw eggs). Consequences of biotin deficiency can include conditions such as dermatitis, hair loss, anorexia, muscular hypotonia, depression and sexual dysfunction.