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Biotin (Vitamin H) ELISA


Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of biotin (Vitamin H).

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SKU: K8141 Category:


Biotin (Vitamin H) can be found in bacteria, funghi, plants and animals.

In food, the major part of biotin is covalently bound to protein, leaving only a minor fraction freely available. During digestion, biocytin (biotinyl-lysine) is released from the proteins and can be resorbed as easily as biotin from the intestinal tract. Afterwards, biotin is released from biocytin by the enzyme biocytinase in erythrocytes and plasma. It is then available as prosthetic group for a series of biotin-dependent enzymes. The daily requirements of biotin are difficult to estimate because a healthy intestinal flora supplies a major part of biotin by endogenous synthesis. Some causes of biotin deficiency include destruction of the intestinal flora or extreme dieting. Biotin deficiency can lead to dermatitis, hair loss, anorexia, muscular hypotonia, depression and reproduction problems.

  • Product Code:


  • Brand:

    Immundiagnostik AG

  • Assay Type:

    ELISA (Enzyme Immunoassay)

  • Sample Types(s):

    Serum, Plasma, Urine

  • Regulatory Status:

    Health Canada Device License